
A super rare and beautiful DAOV flag. The DAOV (Deutsche Arbeitsopfer Versorgung) was the German Work Victim’s Welfare. This flag is interesting in that there is the remnants of removed letter stitching for the GDAO, the Gesamtverband deutscher Arbeitsopfer (United Association of German Work Victims). This organization was the predecessor to the DAOV so essentially the flag was repurposed. The roundels go over other text remains which likely says Deutsche Arbeitsfront. Looks like it was from the town of Olfen in Germany. Great chain stitch embroidery with multiple types of materials used in the roundel including beautiful velvet. Retains 6 of the 7 original rings. Measures roughly 55-1/4″ with the rings long and 44-5/8″ tall and is of the highest quality. I know it sounds corny, but the photos just don’t do justice to this piece and seeing is believing with this gem!!The German Labour Front (Deutsche Arbeitsfront, DAF) was the National Socialist labour organization which replaced the various independent trade unions in Germany after Adolf Hitler’s rise to power. Theoretically, DAF existed to act as a medium through which workers and owners could mutually represent their interests. Wages were set by the 12 DAF trustees. The employees were given relatively high set wages and security of employment, and dismissal was increasingly made difficult. Social security and leisure programmes were started, canteens, breaks, and regular working times were established, and German workers were generally satisfied by what the DAF gave them in repayment for their absolute loyalty. Employment contracts created under the Weimar Republic were abolished and renewed under new circumstances in the DAF. Employers could demand more of their workers, while at the same time workers were given increased security of work and increasingly enrolled into social security programmes for workers. The organisation, by its own definition, combated capitalism and liberalism, but also revolution against the factory owners and the National Socialist state. The DAF, however, did openly prefer to have large companies nationalised by the German state, instead of privately owned companies.Free shipping ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD & I don’t charge PayPal fees like some of the other guys!