
Here’s your chance to pick up a Drivers Proficiency Badge in Bronze. Produced in steel with a nice bronze look unlike most of the zinc examples. Unfortunately missing the cloth backing but this example that is as right as rain! This piece is a consignment item and is subject to the terms listed on the website. Guaranteed original.    The Driver Proficiency Badge was established on 23 October 1942 to reward drivers of military transport vehicles, including trucks, cars and motorcycles, who served for specified periods in a war zone after 1 December 1940. The qualifying period depended on the type of vehicle driven. For the bronze badge this was: motorbike reconnaissance and dispatch riders: 90 days; supply vehicles supporting the front line: 120 days; other forms of military transport: 135 days. The silver badge was awarded where these requirements were met for a second time; with the gold for a third time. Interestingly, the award could be forfeited, for example if the recipient drove dangerously or failed to maintain his vehicle.